Beezzz Support

How can we help you?

We are here to help you use Beezzz in the best way. We fix your issues, help you with your questions, and listen to your suggestions. Your ideas and suggestions are key to use. They drive the development of our app. Please reach out to us.

Real Questions, Real people

We believe that the best people to help you with your questions are the people who build our solution. So our development team is also the team that helps you with your questions. They know the solution inside-out and your question is in good hands with them. This direct contact is also very important in the development of our app. Your questions are a valuable piece of feedback that we include in the further development of Beezzz.

Contact Us

Contacting us plain and simple. Just email and we will contact you right away. If you don’t have questions but you would like to discuss your ideas we would love to talk to you. You can plan an appointment to meet us both online and in real life. Book your meeting here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions are more common than others. Maybe your question is one of these Frequently Asked Questions. Find out by checking our FAQ’s below.

Is Beezzz prepared for CSRD? 

Yes, Beezzz will help you to comply to the requirements coming from CSRD. The data-collection process supported by Beezzz is a great foundation to report against any external framework. We follow the requirements from the CSRD closely, and in every new release of Beezzz we publish features to help you comply. 

Can you set sustainability targets and define initiatives with Beezzz? 

Yes, Beezzz not only helps you to collect sustainability data, but we will also help you to set targets and define initiatives to reach these targets. This way you can run a complete sustainability management process in Beezzz. 

Does Beezzz support multiple ESG Reporting frameworks? 

Yes, our customers typically used to report to multiple ESG frameworks from the Beezzz dataset. To do this, they map their metrics to these external frameworks. You can create your own custom frameworks or use frameworks like GRI, SDG, etc. 

Can we analyze our data with our corporate BI solution?

Yes, you can do that. Your data is always yours. We will help to access your data in any way you like. Most of our customers use Microsoft Power BI to create stunning dashboards and beautiful reports on top of the data in Beezzz. 

Can we send surveys to participants outside our organization?

Yes, when you have a scale subscription, you can send surveys to anyone with a valid email address. 

We have users who only fill a few numbers a few times per year. Do you have a plan for them?

Yes, we do. We feel that including these users is very important. We have a special plan for a group of these occasional users. Contact us if you would like to learn more about this plan. 

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