To get to know Beezzz a short demo is your best option. But meanwhile, this page will show you how Beezzz can help you. You can discover how you can report within any framework, (e.g. SDG, GRI, SASB and EU Taxonomy) connect to any data source (both outside and inside your organization), prepare for assurance and analyze with dashboards.
Reporting in multiple frameworks can be tedious. Beezzz is here to help you. You can link your metrics to multiple frameworks like GRI, SDG, SASB, EU Taxonomy and many more. Beezzz will help you to generate reports for any framework, survey or certificate based on your Beezzz dataset.
You don’t want your colleagues to rekey data for your sustainability management. That’s why Beezzz comes with a world-class integration module. With more than 90 standard connectors to all kinds of source systems. Next to that, we have endless possibilities to connect to sources within and outside your organization.
Your stakeholders demand more and more assurance of data in your reports. We have got you covered. Beezzz is designed to give you robust audit trails. The who-what-when is immediately clear for every data point.
Gain valuable insights with our dashboards. And the good news, you can easily create any dashboard you like. We use Microsoft Power BI for all our dashboards. This leading technology offers you all the options you could wish. Collaboration with Microsoft Teams, export to PDF or PowerPoint, scheduled delivery of reports to stakeholders? It’s all out-of-the-box available for you.
Technology is a strong enabler; it must never be the blocking factor for sustainable development. That’s why we developed Beezzz.
Improve your data quality, engage your colleagues. Adapt to new regulations and requirements, leverage your existing investments, and discover new insights.
Daily improvement is the key to success for a digital platform like Beezzz. Do you want to look into the future?