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3 votes

Grid for Data Entry

When entering a number of metrics it would be great if we have a grid to speed up data entry.

Started Category: Data Entry 0 comments
5 votes

Integration with our Enterprise Performance Management Solution

We use our Enterprise Performance Management (OneStream) solution to integrate our non-financial and financial reporting data. Would it be possible to synchronize our organizational entities from our EPM-platform to Beezzz, run the sustainability data collection process in Beezzz? After completion of the cycle in Beezzz, we would like to send the key KPIs from Beezzz…

Started Category: Data Integration 1 comment
1 vote

Add naratives to dashboards

We want to add text to our dashboards. The typical text would include narratives that are added to the dashboards by analysts explaining the background of the data.

Started Category: Dashboards 0 comments