Beezzz Support

New: Beezzz user-community!

At Beezzz, we believe that continuous improvement is the key to long-term success. That's why we've launched our new user-community. The community serves as a platform for daily growth. You can help us by telling us how we can improve the app. You can comment and vote on suggestions of other users. Based on all this feedback, we plan our continuous improvement in the roadmap.

We develop for you

When we started Beezzz, the first thing we agreed on was that users are leading in our development process. We believe that if you actively involve your users, we can keep the application clean. Continuously, we will ask for your suggestions for the user interface, workflows, data models, and more. Of course, our architects guard the architecture and design principles of the solution.

Your suggestions for Beezzz

In the user-community, you can suggest new functions for Beezzz. Just create a free account and enter your suggestions. Your email will only be used to update you on votes and comments on your request. Your email will never be visible to visitors of our website. You will also receive an update when we start working on your request. When creating your suggestion, you can pick a category so other users can easily found your request. Beezzz Requests Overview

Reviewing the request of other users

You can also visit the user community to check suggestions from other users. You can vote on their suggestions if you really like it. Next to voting, you can also comment on the suggestions. For instance, to clarify what is exactly meant by suggesting to give more examples from your own context. If you receive comments on your own suggestions, you will be alerted by email to react using the platform.

Beezzz Requests Detail

The roadmap

Your feedback is crucial for us. So each request is studied carefully, and if we agree this is something that fits the architecture, design, and purpose of Beezzz, we will include your suggestion in our roadmap. You can view our roadmap here.

A better app for a better world

Please share your best ideas by posting your best suggestions. Inspire other people with your ideas. This way, we achieve something much bigger. By helping each other, we can improve and speed sustainable development.


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Beezzz Support

New: Beezzz user-community!

At Beezzz, we believe that continuous improvement is the key to long-term success. That’s why we’ve launched our new user-community. The community serves as a platform for daily growth. You can help us by telling us how we can improve the app. You can comment and vote on suggestions of other users. Based on all this feedback, we plan our continuous improvement in our roadmap.

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